Monday, April 12, 2010

My Passion For Walt Disney World

I love Disney World. I could be a travel agent for them. So if you are planning a trip soon, I am the girl to talk to. This passion has been going on since my very first trip. I believe, I have made about 10 trips. When I am at WDW the rest of the world disappears. You can do anything you want or do nothing if you want. I would love to take a trip this year with Josh, or if you need a tour guide I am available.


1 comment:

Phyllis Blickensderfer said...

We've never made that trip. Don't know if I could talk David into it. I've always wanted to go, having grown up with Disney Land on the west coast, WDW has always sounded like the rich cousin with lots more to show. If I could convince him, I'd love to have you as a tour guide!